Rabu, 21 September 2011


The lack of fiber and eating large amounts of mucus-forming food causes the body to produce excess amounts of mucus to protect the intestines from absorbing toxins. This mucus medium develops and slows the transit time through the colon walls. This causes the contents to remain in the colon longer than it should. Moisture is pulled from the contents and becomes packed together and hardens on the intestinal walls. If a lot of fat and white flour products are eaten it causes a glue-like substance to stick to the colon walls. As this glue-like material hardens it builds up on the colon walls layer after layer and becomes rubbery and hard. The pockets of the colon collect this hard material and causes such strong adherence it does not pass from the body with the daily bowel eliminations.

Too much mucus is also produced when large amounts of cooked foods are eaten, especially food such as meat, cheese, milk products, pastries, candy, white flour products, white pasta and all processed food. These are called glue-foods.

We have learned that when cooked food is eaten the T-cells come to the rescue because it sees food without enzymes as a foreign invader. This puts a burden on the immune system, eventually weakening it. Mucus is also formed to protect the body from poisons. If cooked and processed food is eaten day after day without raw food and fiber, the contents eventually build up on the colon walls like rings around a tree.

This causes the immune system to become overworked and creates a medium for germs, viruses, parasites and worms to invade the body. Autoimmune diseases develop because the immune system is confused and overworked and begins to attack the body. We have overstimulated and overworked the immune and digestive systems and they can no longer protect us.|source|

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